Be Unapologetically Authentic, Always

When I was younger, I was quiet and shy or that’s what people told me. I wasn’t shy, I was uncomfortable around certain people because I didn’t like their energy or vibe. I specifically remember this as a young child, but I was labeled as shy. I liked to observe people, I paid attention to their words, their actions, how they carried themselves. I was told, I was rude or impolite if I didn’t want to say hi or hug a person I was uncomfortable around.

I took on that story. I took on the identity that I was a shy, quiet young girl who was sometimes impolite. I felt shame around being shy and quiet, I carried that with me for years. I held myself back from speaking up about what I truly felt. I was afraid to let my voice be heard.

How dare I speak my truth

It wasn’t until I was nominated in high school to go on a trip with an educational organization to Europe for twenty days. It was like a rebirth. I knew no one, I was a stranger in a foreign land. No one knew the old me. I felt like I could be my real self without judgment. It was freeing and refreshing, which broke open my heart & soul to just be me.

After I came home, I vowed to never go against myself. I vowed to speak up even if my voice trembles. I vowed to be my authentic self because anytime I did, I felt at peace. I began working with my intuition not against it. Any time, I felt anxiety or stress where I wasn’t being true to myself, I’d use it as a reminder that I’m not being true to myself.

Authenticity and vulnerability is underrated, it’s the very two things that drives connection with each other. It’s the two things we all crave and desire but are afraid to embrace it. Why? Because someone will see the true you? Good. Let them see Y O U.  

The more we give ourselves permission to truly be who we are, we will see the way we interact with each other change. Times are changing. Pretending isn’t working anymore. Being in a pandemic world for the last year, where we’ve had limited physical social interaction and have been behind screens, being authentic is the key to connection. We see it more so now to validate our vulnerabilities, speak about things that may be hard to talk about because you know what that does? It gives others permission to be open. It validates that you are never alone.

Authenticity always wins. It just does. 


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